Marine Farming - Aquaculture
Aquaculture already plays a major role in New Zealand’s marine economy, and central government is seeking to grow the industry from one that produces $600+ million in annual sales nationally, to $3 billion in sales by 2035 through sustainable, productive, resilient and inclusive development. Coast and Catchment are well placed to support that goal.
We have carried out environmental impact assessments and consent-related monitoring work for many marine farmers, and acted as expert scientific witnesses during consent hearings for new aquaculture space. These services have assisted farmers in obtaining new resource consents, obtaining variations to existing consent conditions, complying with their conditions of consent, including the preparation of biosecurity management plans.
Our staff also assist Regional Councils with aquaculture planning and consenting. We have provided advice on aquaculture plan changes and consent applications for both fish and shellfish farms, and our staff have acted as independent members on hearing panels.